Bob and Donna McFarland

Bob and Donna McFarland moved to Franklin County in 2007. They soon got involved in volunteering for many civic organizations. The couple served on both the Chamber Board and as Ambassadors for many years. Donna was President of the Chamber of Commerce and Bob served as Treasurer, both for two years. Recently, Bob retired from the Industrial Foundation where he served as Executive Director for 10 years, and President for 5 years. As President, he was involved in helping build relationships to bring several successful business projects to Franklin County such as Duke's, Love's expansion, Starbucks, and land purchase for the new housing development. Donna served on the Franklin County Historical Board for 15 years where she was the Educational Outreach Director, partnering with MVISD to create student historical events such as Night in the Museum and Paper Quilt Show. She began Halloween at the Depot which still brings hundreds of children into the Old Depot every October. Bob and Donna have been adult leaders in the Leaders of Tomorrow high school leadership mentor program for 14 years. The McFarlands became interested in wood ducks when they built a lake on their property and put up nest boxes. They have installed 182 duck nest boxes around Franklin County and have raised about 80 orphaned or abandoned baby wood ducks for their release back into the wild. They both continue to serve their community in various capacities and are enjoying retirement in a small-town environment.

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